Hey :)
So, its finals week here at good ole' RSU and it's stressful. The whole process is draining. Gotta study sufficiently to make sure you do well on the test, then when you get into the test you forget almost everything you've studied so that cause anxiety which you already had going into the test. Then after you turn in the test you worry about how you did and how much it will affect your grade and if you'll still pass the class. Me, I've got a class that Im border-line A/B and I took my final this morning and it was hard. It was the American Chemistry Society standardized exam (if the title doesn't scare you the test would've). Even after studying I wasn't sure about half of the material on it so now Im stressing over my overall grade. Grades are very important (duh) :) Not only are there test during finals but theres papers due and presentations due and that can add more pressure. Good time management and preparation is important...along with lack of sleep :) jk jk thats not good to do. I've got 3 more finals to go including 2 in one day but this is part of college. Finals, stress, anxiety, all of it, but it all comes with a rewarding price in the end...a degree.